Second-Hand Goodness!

I just adore art and writing supplies. I love their touch, all the distinctive smells (the way the Japanese manga ink or freshly sharpened cedar-wood pencils smell!), and the beautiful colors of inks and pigments suggesting unlimited creative possibilities bound within them.I love researching, getting new tools, and arranging them into small sets that fit… Continue reading Second-Hand Goodness!

True artists don’t erase!

In recent years I have been trying to be more conscious about how exactly I make art, and one of the things that I managed to change significantly for the better in my creative process, is how I feel about fixing and redoing things. Until recently, I would often not only ignore things in my… Continue reading True artists don’t erase!

Art vs. Entropy

I called this blog “Art vs. Entropy” because I have been thinking a lot lately about the meaning and purpose of art. Is what I do for life worth anything? Does anyone even need it? What is the use of what I do? Such questions come to my mind from time to time. Still, especially… Continue reading Art vs. Entropy

The Creative Refrigerator

This article started with another idea that came from me discussing art related things with Kana. We always seem to look for new metaphors that would help us understand what exactly are we doing with our art careers. Also, we get excited each time we manage to find a parallel that is a particularly good… Continue reading The Creative Refrigerator

The all important 5%

We often wonder what makes good pieces of art (may they be illustrations, comics, animations or anything else really) different from only competent work. What makes them stand out. With Kana we discuss it a lot, trying to figure out what is the compelling aspect that makes us save some art to be studied, enjoyed… Continue reading The all important 5%